
Simple, transparent, and flexible

  • Free

    Perfect for Individual use
    for ever
    • ✓
      Server Optimization
      Optimize Servers across AWS, Azure, and GCP
    • ✓
      Disk Optimaztion
      Optimize Disks
    • ✓
      Kubernetes Optimization
      Optimize Kubernetes clusters
    • ✓
      CLI Only
    • ✓
      Usage Limits
      You may optimize up to 500 resources monthly
    • ✗
      API & Web UI
  • Enterprise

    Starting at
    Unlimited Users
    • ✓
      All options in Open source
    • ✓
      All integrations (JIRA, ServiceNow)
    • ✓
      Premium support
    • ✓
      FinOps policies
    • ✓
      API & WebUI